Investing in cryptocurrency is on the minds of every serious investor, whether or not they’ve actually taken the plunge. Crypto has become a 2.5 billion dollar market, which makes it equal to the 8th largest economy in the world, and will only continue to grow.
Currently, more than 91 billion dollars across over 455 exchanges is traded every single day. Seventy-nine percent of these transactions are from only the top 10 currencies, although there are now more than 8,000 forms of cryptocurrency available.
Many investors are finding the crypto market to be profitable and well worth any inherent risks, however, the risk of loss or theft is real and some investors are hesitant to take the leap.
Fortunately for those more conservative investors, they can take advantage of the rapidly growing crypto insurance industry.
Crypto insurance, a 3 billion dollar industry, gives investors assurance that their assets will be protected should theft, losses, or scams occur. Much like traditional insurances, businesses can research providers and premiums, and can select what kinds of coverage they need to make the best fit.
Crypto insurance is applicable to things like mining, exchanges, wallets, infrastructure, payment processing and more. It gives investors the safety net they need to mitigate the risks of this relatively new form of investing.