Make no mistake, when marketing a product it often takes multiple channels of communication to reach out to your target audience. The more people you can reach out to, the greater your sales will be.
While this may be true, most people are failing to utilize their multichannel communication channels because they have no strategy behind them. They will constantly put out the same message to the target consumers on all platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. And with all that effort the results show a slight increase in sales.
You have realized marketing on different channels has been difficult.
But, if you are serious about increasing sales here are 4 factors you must incorporate in your multichannel communication strategy to drive sales
Understand the Consumer
It seems obvious. Yet so many people get it wrong. The first thing is to understand the people who are purchasing your product. Is your product targeting a narrow or broad-spectrum? For example, does your product/service target people of all ages, or is it narrow where the audience consists of mostly young adults from ages 19-25?
Understanding the demographics of your audience is an important role in driving a successful multichannel communication strategy.
Select the Right Communication Channel
When it comes to communicating to your target audience online, it can be easy to fall into the trap of spending large amounts of money and time with little success. It is common to see people focus their marketing effort only on communication channels that have the most volume. However, if you market on channels that the target audience does not use, you might drive traffic but you won’t drive sales.
A clear example of this would be if your target audience happens to be baby boomers, but you have decided to communicate through communication channels like Snapchat (see demographics).
Engage with the Audience
Back in the day, it was all about brand awareness – But now brand engagement is becoming the new thing. The use of social media and smartphone apps has presented the opportunity to engage with the consumer.
If you want to build a successful multichannel strategy, engaging with the audience is a must. The main challenge here is managing all the communication channels successfully. It might be wise to find a service platform that can manage your multiple communication channels and their performance all in one place.
Tailor the Strategy
And now for the hidden gem!
The last thing to send your multichannel communication strategy over the top is to tailor each channel to different goals to achieve your overall strategy. To do this you are going to want to define your goals. An example would be to use communication channels with large volumes to support information about your service or produce while using smaller volume channels that are more specific to your target audience(more likely to buy) to drive traffic to your web page. While your content will be different for each channel, your message will be consistent over all channels.