What is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is a conglomerate of technologies and human interaction that includes augmented reality, realistic video games, NFTs, and many other revolutionary programs. Also known as cyberspace, the Metaverse is worth billions of dollars and the market is only expected to grow in the future. With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 43.3%, the Metaverse market was valued at $47.69 billion in 2020. The market is consolidated, meaning that a few players account for the majority of the market’s success and revenue, although the success of the Metaverse is mainly driven by the focus on merging the digital and physical worlds.
Despite challenges that have arisen through their development, many platforms such as Ready Player Me, Decentraland, and Horizon Worlds have found major success in the Metaverse, which raises the question: Who will lead the metaverse race? On these platforms, users can build avatars, create unique worlds, play against other users, and even own and raise a digital pet.
Owning a Metapet is a unique, customizable, and low responsibility option for pet lovers who are unable to commit to owning an animal in real life. Emerging platforms such as Metapets, Metagochi, Axie Infinity, and CrytpoKitties allow users to indulge in the joy of pet ownership right on their own devices. Build your MetaFuture, and join the millions of users who are raising pets in the Metaverse.