How to Keep Your Email Safe

Email is an essential part of our everyday business routine, but so much of it is spam and has become an increasing cybersecurity threat through phishing attacks. At least 3 billion phishing emails are sent every day. If even one of your employees ends up clicking on a malicious email link, your entire organization may be in trouble. Consider this: almost 20% of employees end up clicking on phishing email links. Branded emails have become a problem where 1 in every 25 branded emails have been known to be phishing emails on average.

Remote work has become a fantastic trend amid the pandemic for people to work anywhere and more efficiently, but it has increased the risk of businesses getting hacked. Phishing has become big business, costing an organization significant money, time, customer retention, and productivity losses.

The team from Avanan have put together a new infographic explaining the key elements in email security, along with how to stop spam and phishing attempts.

The infographic covers the following concepts:

  • How spam has escalated to phishing
  • Types of phishing scams to be on the lookout for
  • The real costs of phishing
  • How to keep your information secure

Check out the full visual deep dive below.

How Safe Are Your Emails? [infographic]

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