After two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, stress levels are at an all time high. 8 in 10 Americans have higher stress levels due to a variety of factors such as supply chain issues, rising prices and inflation, and the unrest in other parts of the world. The majority of Americans report feeling mentally tired even when they haven’t been physically active, and many also report that they are “approaching burnout” and that they “desperately need a vacation.”
The sleep and stress cycle is a vicious one, and the cost of poor sleep is significant. People who get 6 or less hours of sleep per night are more susceptible to poor health, poor decisions, and poor overall performance. Sleep is vital to our health, wellbeing, and focus, however, 1 in 3 American adults do not get enough sleep.
Getting enough quality sleep helps to reduce lethargy and fatigue, moderate stress levels, improve immune response, increase memory and focus, boost work performance, mediate emotional responses, and build stronger relationships. Therefore, investing in a better sleep and associated luxuries can be the key to an improved quality of life. Self care does not have to break the bank, however, there are a number of methods that one can invest in that help to improve personal wellness. Personal trainers, assistants, counseling, time off, delivery services, and especially sleep can all be game changers as the post-pandemic world begins to unfold.
Source: PizunaLinens