The Modern Challenges of Mobile App Development

The demand for mobile app developers is rising rapidly, projected to rise from 17 to 24% by 2026. Not only that, but current developers are expected to work more quickly. 35% of developers say they work twice as fast as they did only two years ago. More than the majority of developers say they work faster than years previous.

This trend follows an increased demand for mobile apps, naturally, but importantly quality mobile apps. Uninstall rates are at a high and customer needs and expectations continue to rise constantly. What this means for developers is it’s not just fast, not just unique, but bug-free and impressive code expected. 

Obviously, this is a high bar for any developer to meet. It is especially high when things like inflation rates are reaching highs as of late. The stress a developer has to meet expectations isn’t always met with a proportional amount of pay. All of this put together can be really overwhelming, but there are solutions.

Much of what one can do is simplify. The process of app development has explicit steps. CI/CD, continuous integration, delivery, and deployment, is a great way to automate these steps. Continuous integration works to get coders under the same repository. Continuous delivery works to keep all changes bug tested and uploaded for testing. Continuous deployment works to move the code from the repository to production.

These are all simple steps, but they take time and are prone to human error. Through CI/CD these can be automated, saving time and increasing quality. This is just one of many solutions, but the important thing to keep in mind is simplicity. Developers have no time and are expected to maintain quality, so removing manual input and consequently error is great. Ultimately there is no one solution, but what’s sure is that mobile app developers need to get creative to stay competitive.

The Importance of Automating Your Mobile CI/CD Pipeline

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