Amidst the pandemic, it became clearer than ever that nurses were some of the most important people in the healthcare field. While doctors and surgeons are highly appreciated staff, nurses often felt left out while they were taking care of patients ranging from daily care to severe medical emergencies. Nurses that are taking care of elderly patients are facing stress as well, with 25% of facilities nearing forced closure due to lack of funding.
What many people don’t understand is that while doctors and other healthcare providers are highly important, nurses are also key when looking at infection control. When nurses face scrutiny from administrators, lack of funding, or an overload of work based stress, they are more likely to make mistakes such as replacing PPE or washing their hands. These steps are critical when facing infection control, especially in assisted living environments where the population is more at risk.
Simple changes to the way nurses are treated can make a significant difference. Making sure nurses are fitted with proper PPE, are supplied with adequate cleaning supplies, and are feeling less stressed and more appreciated can help decrease simple mistakes that carry serious consequences. Nurses are key to providing care especially to our eldery, so it is imperative they are provided a safe, clean, and healthy place to continue delivering the best care.