Americans spend a lot of time working and looking at bright screens but not enough time off. Over the course of their lifetime, Americans can spend 13.2 years working and just 328 days socializing on average. An average American goes through their social media at least four hours per week. In 2021, people were on Facebook an average of 33 minutes, on Instagram for an average of 29 minutes, and on Twitter for an average of 31 minutes daily.
Almost 30 million Americans don’t get paid time off, and 55% of those who do don’t use all of their PTO for several reasons. 61% of Americans mentioned a fear of appearing replaceable at work as a cause, 56% pointed to a heavy workload, and 53% stated the cost of taking vacation as a reason. Vacation days that are used are usually not spent on traveling.
It’s better for people to head outside when they can. Spending 20 minutes outdoors for three days weekly can help decrease stress, improve memory, and boost cognition. It can also provide opportunities to try new physical activities as well as learn about nature. The best part is that it’s easy to plan an outdoor adventure because it doesn’t require booking flights or being interrupted by pandemic shutdowns.
Camping has been growing in popularity in recent years with 2 million households having camped for the first time in 2020. People from each generation became first-time campers during the pandemic with 26% of them being Millennials. 60% of these first-timers were non-white
One of the positives of outdoor adventuring is that everyone can do it no matter their budget. Tent camping is an option for those who are budget conscious but want to stay close to nature. An RV road trip is a viable option for those who prefer going on long trips with family. A glamping getaway is great for those who want to experience nature but also the luxury of a hotel-like stay.
An outdoor adventure allows families opportunities to hike, fish, go bird watching, sing around a campfire, go ziplining, climb, visit waterparks, or experience hayrides. The activities are endless!
Planning a camping trip is a simple and hassle-free experience, allowing you to stress less and have more fun.