Asphalt is a refined, solid-state petroleum made from distilling crude oil, also referred to as bitumen. Composed of components like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur, asphalt has quickly become a very versatile and eco-friendly option for many civil projects. This material has not only been recognized for its exceptional binding and structural capabilities, but has also been used to create vital services like roadways, waterproof surfaces, parking lots, and roof shingles.
Asphalt as a 100% renewable construction resource has bloomed in popularity in the past few years. In 2019 in the United States alone, 420 million tons of asphalt was produced, more than 3,600 production sites were housed, and the country owned 36 billion barrels of bitumen deposits. Part of why this construction resource is so successful is because of its circular lifecycle. Recycling bitumen is not only accessible and practical, but it benefits everyone involved from both a financial and environmental standpoint. The asphalt recovery market is currently a $7.1 billion dollar industry, a number that is only expected to rise in the coming years. This closed loop asphalt recycling process is only the start of an environmental revolution, getting the ball rolling for future eco-friendly endeavors in the world of building and infrastructure.