Despite being important to a well-rounded workforce, workplace training is challenging and often minimal. On average, employees receive only 24 minutes a week for learning. This prevents them from reaching their full potential and mastering all of the skills they need to do their jobs. Subpar workplace training can result in increased employee turnover; 40% of workers who don’t receive the necessary training will leave within their first year.
Traditional training methods also waste resources. Designing training events can be costly and time-consuming. However, even when employers pour resources into training, traditional training programs do not create lasting learning.
Microlearning, on the other hand, improves workers’ focus and retention by up to 80%. It is a new style of workplace training that incorporates learning throughout the workday. It uses employees’ mobile devices to impart knowledge, making it significantly more accessible than traditional training. It also tests learning recall with questions, nudges, and activities.
Microlearning has several key benefits. It allows employers to fit training into the pre-existing workflow without location and time constraints. It also personalizes training and zeroes in on specific tasks, helping each individual employee master the necessary skills.
In a world where time is scarce, finding ways to make training more efficient and effective is important. Microlearning may be a critical tactic to use moving forward and can benefit both the employer and the employees.
Source: Arist